One of my work colleagues asked me how my training was going for the Broad Street Run. This week I fell back to 2 miles for my 3 days, and next week will rev me back up to 6 miles. You would think a week full of 2 mile runs would be great, but my response to him was not so. I told him that I was having a hard time getting through the 2 miles, which was freaking me out and leading to an extreme lack of motivation.
He must of been sent to ask me that question for a purpose, because he said exactly what I needed to hear. As an avid runner, this gentleman has run marathons in every continent except Africa. While training for his races, he would run 18 miles BEFORE work. This man looked at me and said that I was no different than every other runner. He said he often struggles through the first mile, with his breathing completely off and he wonders how he can make it another 25 miles (an actual marathon is 26 miles...that ain't happening for me).
My whole life is spent trying to be different. I hate being put into a box. I don't want to be normal. And yet, when he told me I wasn't different and nothing I was going through was anything special....I had me'self an ah-ha moment.
The last time I posted was last Tuesday with my 5 miles. Here's what I've done since:
Wednesday, 3/16 - 25 minutes of cardio at lunch
Thursday, 3/17 - 1.75 miles at lunch
Sunday, 3/20 - 4 miles outside
Tuesday, 3/22 - 2 miles outside
Wednesday, 3/23 - no official cardio, but spent the day painting the bathroom
I've been running outside these days to try and prepare for my next 5k which is (duh duh DUH) on Saturday. It's sooo much harder than a treadmill and the breathing during the first mile is definitely getting to me. Which is why my colleague's words were such an ah-ha moment. If he needs some time to get his breathing down, but can complete a 26 mile run, than I can conquer 3 miles.
I didn't get out of work until close to dark, so I will be running tomorrow after work in preparation for Saturday. Picked up mine and Ped's race packets so I'll be ready to go.
My goal was in under 36 minutes, which I'm not sure will happen. If I can hit that, I will eating a big ol' greasy cheeseburger in celebration. However, I kind of have a sub-goal. If I can get through this race by running as much as I can without pooping out on myself, I will be proud. No greasy cheeseburger, but pride.
GO NUMBER 2835!!! That's my bib number.
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