2 mile - 25:04
3 mile - 38:56
Well, not technically the first time I hit 3 miles. I did it the Friday before the 5k in January, then I did it on the actual day of the 5k in January.
The difference with this time was that it started my first week of upping the ante. The first time I wasn't preparing for something that was happening tomorrow. For the next 9.5 weeks, each week I will be running a mile longer than I did the week before. Each week, I will be accomplishing something I have never done before.
So today, I reflect. And wonder.
When I started in November, I underestimated how hard running really was. I figured my body would be sore some days, but I never thought that it would be a struggle to finish a mere 3 miles. Screw that, I never thought it would be a struggle to finish 1 mile. I am having such a hard time establishing a routine and a schedule. My self control has been tested so much.
Through all of that hardship though, I am really proud of myself. I may not be where I thought I would be, but I'm still getting on that treadmill 3 times a week. There was only one time I questioned finishing my run, and that was when someone else questioned it. Even then, it was never an option for me to not finish what I was tasked to do, and for that, I praise God for His strength. I'm praying for continued strength and perseverance.
I do wonder when it will click for me though. I get so excited these days talking about running, and I'm delving into the world of healthy eating again. But when I get on that treadmill, it still hasn't clicked. It's still a countdown for me from the second I start running until I can finally stop.
Another bump in the schedule is my upcoming weekend in New Jersey. I've been really bad about keeping up on my running when I'm there, so I need to get into the right frame of mind NOW.
Thank you to those who have inspired me to keep doing this endeavor. Kind words have never meant so much.